Carbon Monoxide
is a silent killer.

You can’t see it.
You can’t smell it.
You can’t taste it.

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The Movement

Carbon monoxide statutes vary by state. Click here for up-to-date information about your state. Carbon monoxide can seep into a home without residents seeing or smelling anything when fuel-burning devices such as gas stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, and generators are improperly used or when cars are left running in an enclosed area.

Support Our Mission

We are pleased to report that since our petition and CO outreach began Arizona passed a statute in 2013. As of 2015 all states, with the exception of Indiana, Kansas and Nevada now require CO alarms in all homes and some require both smoke alarms and CO alarms.

Carbon Monoxide alarm laws are still greatly needed in states where there are no statutes, as it is impossible to detect carbon monoxide without a CO alarm. Many alarms cost around $20 and need to be replaced every five years. It takes each one of us to make change possible, so please make sure you protect your own home and also those you love. We encourage you to write your Senator to let them know you believe CO legislation is important to keep you and your loved ones safe.


Several key partners make our carbon monoxide education and outreach work possible. We are extremely grateful to them for helping us give CO, the Silent Killer, a voice.

Bridging Our Dual Mission

Since 2010 we have been looking for ways to give Carbon Monoxide, the Silent Killer, a voice. Learn how we have harnessed the power of youthful creativity to help us raise awareness. Please visit this page to learn more.